Publication Rodna analiza Ustava Crne Gore, 2023.
International seminar Women for Peace and Cooperation in the South-eastern Europe, May 1998.
International seminar Women's Rights – Human Rights
Free Gynaecological and Legal Aid for Women of Podgorica
Public presentation of a book titled Women's Rights in International Law, written by Ms. Zorica Mrsevic
Seminar NGO – Stabilising Factor of Democracy
Seminar Women's Reproductive Rights (the first one out of four sub-projects of the two-year lasting project «Women's Rights – Human Rights», supported by the Stability Pact Gender Task Force)
Public presentation of the Beijing Declaration
Finalisation of the construction works on a children's playground in Andrijevica
Finalisation of the research titled Political Activism of Women in Montenegro (this issue was elaborated for the first time in Montenegro),
Seminar Women's Political Rights, during which the signing of the Agreement on 30% of Women's Quota in the Montenegrin Parliament was initiated
Seminar Women and Media (the third sub-project of the Women's Rights – Human Rights project)
Finalisation of the construction works on a children's playground in Bijela – Herceg Novi
A Sociological Research on the Montenegrin University Students' Attitudes toward the Actual and Future Position of Women in Fields of Science, Politics and Culture
Finalisation of the construction works on a children's playground in Kolasin
Amendments to the Law on Election of Delegates and MPs Aiming at Introduction of Women's Quota
A round table on the issue of proposed amendments to the Law Aiming at Introduction of Women’s Quota held
Seminar Women and Transition (the fourth and the last sub-project of the Women's Rights – Human Rights project)
Finalisation of the construction works on a children's playground in Pljevlja
Public presentation of the Women’s magazine Zaposlena
Project “Women Can Do It”, 2002- 2009
Participation in the implementation of the Regional GTF project Role of Women in Conflict Prevention, Resolution and Post-conflict Dialogue which, took place in Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro
The implementation of the GTF Regional Women’s Parliamentary Caucus Project, has been initiated, covering synchronously Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, targeting women Parliamentarians in the above countries
Presentation of publication Gender Statistics for Montenegro
Presentation of publication Gender Analyze of Census in Montenegro
Regional Strategic Conference Overcoming of Gender stereotypes in primary education in Montenegro
Realization of project Women Can Do It in Media
Organizing and logistical support of creating of Draft of National Action Plan for acheiving of Gender Equality
Presentation of research`s results Women`s Civil sector in Montenegro towards EI
Coordination of two-years lasting regional project Gender sensitive textbooks and classroom practice in Balkan Region
2 seminars Youth and Democracy – for young journalists from Montenegrin media
Participation in regional project Women and local capacities for peace building
Organization of Fourth regional Conference Women Can Do It
Project Capacity buliding of Women Journalists` Network in Montenegro
Project Inititative for Gender Budgeting in area of secondary education in Montenegro
Project Women Can Do It in media and political parties
Initiative for Gender Budgeting in eduaction area
Partnership in IPA bilateral project Crossbordering by book
Implementation of the project Women and media in the light of EU integration, 2011.
Launch of the first female literary magazine Female Letter, 2011
MULTI IPA project Gender Equality at the local level, 2012- 2013
The development of women's entrepreneurship as a guarantor of reducing unemployment, 2014.
Economic empowerment of single unemployed mothers, 2015
Creating a favorable environment for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the economic mainstream through rehabilitation programs and employment, supported by the Employment Agency of Montenegro, implemented in partnership with BSC Bar in Bar, 2016
Media about women with disabilities, 2017.
Women entrepreneurship development, 2017.
Culture on woman's way, 2017.
IPA BIH-MNE: Old paths of timeless heritage, Partnership with Cultural centre from Trebinje, 2017.
Inclusion and employment of persons with disabilities through networking and activation, Partnership with Business Centre Bar, 2017.